Mountain Parnitha
Mountain Parnitha is the highest of the mountains surrounding the basin of Attica. It occupies a large area, which includes dozens of peaks, gorges, valleys and plateaus.
Parnitha`s teleferic
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Operating since 1972 and upgraded in 2006 to use the most modern technologies. After the upgrade is able to carry two thousand passengers per hour with a maximum speed of six meters per second and works with winds of up to one hundred twenty kilometers an hour.

The distance covered is almost one thousand six hundred feet with an average slope of twenty degrees. The wagons have a capacity of twenty people, and there are VIP wagons with less capacity. It offers a great view, since it is the best way to see the Attica from above.
Old platform for parapente
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This platform was used for Parapente sport at Parnitha mountain some years ago. Nowadays it is left in a bad condition. It can be found at the topmost turn on the way up to the top of the mountain.